AMICS Module


Advanced Manufacturing and Inventory Control Software Sales Order module is used to Maintain Customers, perform shipments, Void shipments, Packlist Invoice Reprint. Options to track of Purchase / WorkOrder , Mailing Shipment Details once shipment made can be done instantly. Reports with Order confirmation, Proforma Invoice, Proforma Packlist are included.

Sales Order

  • Search easily and quickly
  • Add, Edit or Delete - All in one screen
  • Attach documents view purchase orders, work orders that are linked to this sales order
  • Ship orders from this screen
  • Run reports for this order - Order Confirmation, Pick List, Pack List and more
  • Add unlimited notes at the order level and at line items level
  • Ship to any address
  • View shipments to this order
  • Shipments

  • Use "Ship Now" button to ship
  • Easy Pick Screen for shipments
  • Print shipping documents together - Packing list, invoice, bill of lading and more
  • Void shipments easily
  • View shipped details from the same screen
  • Re-print packing list, invoices and other documents
  • Auto close sales order
  • Transaction history on shipments
  • Reports

  • Search a sales order and print reports for that sales order
  • Order confirmation, pick list both summary and detail, proforma pack list and proforma invoice
  • Bar coded reports
  • Transaction log report for history transactions - serial and lot trace
  • Open order report sorted
  • Shipped order report sorted
  • Open order inventory